Welcome to the Boomer Bunker with John Jamingo and the Duchess!
Nov. 22, 2021

Drunker Bunker | Episode 047

Drunker Bunker | Episode 047

Recorded Monday, Nov 22, 2021 - Bob and John discuss the Rittenhouse media mess, the Waukesha A##hole who drove through a parade presumably in protest of the Rittenhouse verdict when the Border Crisis hits our live stream and Devanecker from Gaslighting and Rubberneckers performs an illegal border crossing into our live stream. We go on to discuss CNN backpedaling on Rittenhouse lies they've told, an alliance for sexual offenders wanting to change the name 'sexual offenders', the reboot of the Rubberneckers, and butthurt celebs/bands regarding the Rittenhouse verdict. A few pandemic clips were discussed toward the end.

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