Daniel Penny was found not guilty of criminally negligent homicide after he restrained Jordan Neely on a New York subway. This case ignited discussions about race, mental health, and vigilantism. The hosts dive into the complexities surrounding this verdict, highlighting how societal perceptions of race and crime play a significant role in public discourse. They explore the failures of the system that led to Neely's tragic death, emphasizing the need for better mental health support and accountability for repeat offenders.
The conversation turns humorous as the hosts reflect on various pop culture references and personal anecdotes, showcasing their engaging banter. Listeners can expect a lively debate filled with sharp commentary on current events, interspersed with moments of levity that keep the discussion entertaining.
Join us Wednesday at 7:00 pm Eastern for our live stream on the following platforms:
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Voice Mail Number: (856) 477-1935
00:00 - None
00:14 - Suffering Men vs Women
12:35 - Cuddle Therapy for Men
41:23 - Aging Celebrities
52:43 - Trump vs the Media
01:11:17 - Daniel Penny is innocent
All right, you guys, podcast time.
We got the equipment and the perfect business plan.
Give our show away for free and tell no one how to find it.
I'm going to start a podcast that has no focus, and it'll take up an inordinate amount of time.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to another riveting episode of the Boomer Bunker, the podcast that tackles the tough topics, share some laughs, and dive headfirst into the sea of controversy.
With no life jackets in sight, I'm thrilled to introduce your hosts, the dynamic duo who bring wisdom, wit, and a whole lot of candor.
First up, she's the voice of reason with a dash of sass.
Not tonight.
Always ready to call it like she sees it.
The Duchess.
And joining her, he's the no nonsense sidekick, armed with bold opinions and a bald head that's ready to shine.
John Jamingo.
Together they'll navigate the latest headlines, dive into deep debates, and maybe even share a p.
Bucket anecdote or two.
So buckle up and get ready for a conversation that's as lively as it is enlightening.
Without further ado, here are Duchess and Jamingo.
Well, how we doing?
Welcome back, Duchess.
I am so glad you're.
Listen, next time you take off, no more guest hosts.
That's it.
What would you do?
I may have a vacation in mind.
Well, I.
We're not going to do the show.
That's what was going to happen.
Oh, no.
All right, so I have to break the.
I'm going to break the fourth wall.
The Duchess has been drinking.
I have.
She's had already had two glasses of wine.
She's on her third.
This is number three.
So look at the size of those glasses.
So this ought to be.
It's only that much at the bottom.
Oh, now, now.
It's only that much at the bottom.
I've been here about 20 minutes, so.
Holy cow.
Well, I'm celebrating.
Okay, so what are you celebrating?
So, at my office, there's been a lot of things changing around and upgrades and downgrades and things like that, and I was offered a new.
A little bit more money, and I accepted.
Oh, very nice celebrating.
Yay me.
Geez, just hope no one finds out about this podcast, because I would hate for that to go away.
Oh, Dean, no more Edward.
All right, so here's the problem with Edward, because Edward is a very, very, very talented guy.
I know this, all right?
I listen to his podcast.
He's a talented guy.
The issue with Edward is that when he Gets in here, he tightens up.
I don't think he likes to do live.
And some people don't.
Some people, yeah, some people, their balloon knot puckers up where you couldn't pound a pin up their ass with a five pound sledgehammer.
I get it, I get it.
All right.
So he came on here and he said if you go and listen to his show.
Am I canceled?
This past one, they talk about what happened and they, you know.
And well, he'd actually done it before he came on the show.
So he kind of says, he's like, I don't know what's going to happen.
So he's already nervous, which is.
I mean, we're just here to have some fun.
That's all.
That's all I had to say.
Everybody's coming in.
Welcome, welcome.
It's so much fun.
So thank you everybody for the congratulations.
I do appreciate that.
Yeah, congratulations.
That's a.
That's really.
That's good stuff.
And I am still in charge of the comments.
I can't see any comments.
As long as I can click on them, I'm good.
Look, I'm producing today.
I'm gonna do my best.
We're using Streamyard for the second time.
I think I have everything set up, but who knows?
So we'll see what happens.
Well, between you figuring Streamyard out and me having a few drinks, it'll be a great episode no matter what.
We'll see.
Because let's get into our very first topic of the day.
I saw a tweet which I decided to respond to.
Didn't realize it was going to cause an uproar.
Yes, you did.
So here it is.
Jessica M.
On Twitter said, women deal with periods, pregnancy and menopause.
What do women.
What do men deal with?
And I wrote back, we deal with women who have periods, pregnancy and menopause.
Believe me, it's no picnic.
Okay, so with.
With that, how many daughters do you have?
I have four daughters, so I know.
Four daughters, right.
And an ex wife and a girlfriend.
Know all about what?
I'm several.
You have a girlfriend.
You know, okay.
All right.
So then you type in, oh, please.
Poor you guys.
Which Teresa from Shitty Song of the Week came back and said, oh, you mean the hormonal.
Hormonal influxes slash changes that we have zero control over that most sensible women understand that it does terrible things to our brains and legitimately can stop because it happens when it wants to.
Sorry, I guess.
And I'm like, wrong yeah.
So in other words, I'm right.
I'm right.
What we have to deal with is you.
I've said it several times.
Women get pms.
Men suffer from it.
Oh, my God.
Like, you guys are just ruined.
I'm sorry.
Well, I'm just.
I'm just saying I find that hard to believe that every man has the worst experience ever, thanks to shitty women.
No one said worst experience again.
See, this is what women do.
The way you write that, like we have to deal with women.
Deal with that.
Well, you do, because that's called being a partner.
And if we are uncomfortable, we try to soldier on and do what we need to do.
But sometimes we need help.
No, sometimes you need a.
Sometimes you need a punching bag.
And what you do is you find your man and you say, okay, he can be a punching bag.
You know, we could.
You know something I don't?
You know what?
Okay, fine.
You're the only woman that doesn't.
I think there's other women that can get by.
I think there are some women who use PMS as an excuse.
Yes, I'll say that.
But I also think there's women that just.
You gotta fucking deal with it.
It is what it is.
You gotta move on.
I dated a woman one time on the 14th day of her cycle, right?
You couldn't get near.
You just couldn't get near her.
Should have thrown some chocolate and a glass of wine at her and I.
Never thought of that.
Aaron says, just tell her to calm down.
That always helps.
That's a winning move right there.
There it is.
You just better be wearing some kind of protective gear when you do it.
So, again, this is why I'm saying that women have to own up to their foibles.
It's not always men's fault.
See, what women are trying to.
Okay, there's one thing you can do.
You can either try to get yourself up to a level that a man is, or you can try to drag men down to your level.
So explain.
Why are we not on the same level?
Well, you can't be, because men and women are different and are.
And the thing is, we're like.
You think we're going up to your level.
We're puzzle pieces.
Why are we not dropping down to yours?
No, we.
See, we are the men.
See, we have the masculinity.
You make the prototype before you perfect the original.
I get that.
God made man.
You were first.
So you're the prototype.
We're the best no, we're the actual best.
He made God made woman.
Hang on.
God made woman from a rib of a man.
A cheaper.
Well, you are cheap for sure.
Not us.
You were made from the cheaper cut.
We were made.
We were the original.
You're not gon.
You can.
You can think that all you like.
That makes you.
If that helps you sleep at night.
So, anyhow, then we had Bruce come in, and I'm going to try to read this because I'm not 100% sure.
He says men attend women for two reasons, sex and love.
But in most cases, men do not marry for sex or love.
Good thing, because you don't get much of either.
They marry for stability.
A man can love you, not marry you.
A man can have sex with you for years without marrying you.
But immediately he finds someone who brings stability to his life.
He marries her.
Men are visionaries when they think about marriage.
They do not think about wedding dresses, bridesmaids.
Anything a woman thinks is.
What's that word?
You listen, Bruce.
I'm going to tell you something right now.
If you're going to write something that I'm going to put up on this show, you gotta dumb it down a little bit.
I can't read these.
It's fanciful.
Think fancy and fanciful.
Anything a woman thinks is fanciful.
They think that this woman can build a home.
Women are tender.
They have the capacity to receive and reproduce.
You give her groceries, she prepares a meal.
You give her money, she needs more.
She give her money, she gives you peace.
You give her sperm, she gives you a child, you give her discomfort, she becomes your worst nightmare.
And men know it.
This is why men can stay with a woman for years and meet another in a month and then get married.
The stability is what they want.
I can't read this thing.
I can't read the bottom of it because there's something so close.
I mean, really, women is sexist.
Love is something.
I don't know.
See if this comes out.
Oh, you zoomed by it so quick.
I'm still like, what?
Okay, okay.
All right.
So I'm just exploding with the comments to each other, but, you know, can.
We see some of these comments?
I've been putting them up.
The entire time you've been talking.
I understand.
I understand that.
But I was reading and, you know, I can't do two things at one time.
No, you can't.
Mike Pelarito says copies are not as good as the original.
Michael Keaton in Multiplicity I rest my case.
Happy birthday to producer Pelarito.
Hey, yeah.
Happy birthday, Mike.
That's right.
Remember, like, the fourth time.
The fourth copy of the guy in.
What was his name?
I know his name was.
Oh, Soft.
Thinks we're gonna get it on soft.
Well, he says he's just having fun.
Saf fails again.
All right.
Nice to see you, Soft.
I'm glad you're here.
Michael Keaton in the movie.
I guess his character name was Steve.
The fourth copy.
Like, the copy of the copy of the copy was.
And he was like, but, Steve.
She touched my Pepe.
But Steve.
But that's where you guys are.
It just boils down to.
Eventually, it's just your wiener.
Well, women are trying to demasculate us.
And then some men are helping them.
Hit Touch my Pepe, Steve.
It's one of my favorite movies.
The comments are going so quick.
I'm really trying to.
You guys are giving me a tough time tonight.
Well, now, here's the thing.
Do you have the thing that we brought up that you're going to read the next topic that we have?
I can.
Okay, hold on.
Oh, my God.
Well, you didn't want me to look at it, so I didn't look at it.
I didn't pull it up.
Okay, that is true.
That's true.
I said that.
I want you to read it because there's some terminology in here that I would like to see, and I didn't realize you're going to be two glasses of wine deep.
I didn't.
I didn't plan on that.
I figured that.
Should I read this or do you want to read.
I can.
I can read it if you all want to tolerate that.
Let's enjoy.
So it's regarding men's cuddle groups.
So for a few.
A few years now, half a dozen men from different sexual orientations have gathered in a Plymouth meeting in Pennsylvania twice a month to attend group support meetings that help them address and work through their traumas.
Unlike other popular men's support groups, the support method chosen by this particular group of men is cuddling.
Sorry, no, no, that's.
Again, they're trying to make men cuddling is.
This has got to be a gay thing.
They're trying to make this like it's normal.
Listen, I get it.
Women can be that way.
I don't know why.
Women with their girlfriends, they can hug and they can sit on the couch and sit with each other and do that other stuff.
That's Great.
And Edward, I want to be on with Rave Edwards in the chat now.
Edward, invite me on and please have Raven on to.
I need that to happen.
We're going to change this up.
I would like to chat with Raven, so let me know.
Edward, have us both on.
Let's do.
That would be fun.
Or have me on and then have her on.
I don't care.
Whatever you do.
It's your podcast.
But I need to be on with Raven after that last episode.
Yes, absolutely.
I need to win.
I need to win her approval.
It means a lot to me.
Also, I'm glad to see you, Edward.
You haven't been in our.
You haven't been in our chat, and I thought you were tied up to the bed and they were having their way with you.
I think Edward might become part of a throuple.
Luis said he would cuddle with you and Bob.
That's great, Luis.
If that was my thing.
It's not, but that would.
That would make.
Nothing would make me happier if that was my thing.
He says full cuddle, no homo.
There's no such thing.
There's no such thing as no cuddle, no homo.
Okay, so would you like me to continue?
Please continue.
Okay, so men's therapeutic cuddle Group members vouch for the cuddling method, saying it has helped them shed.
Shed down their walls and confront everything holding them back from childhood abuse to a family loss.
A men's cuddling group is a type of support group where men have learned to embrace physical touch through cuddling as part of a support process and healing journey.
Okay, faggot, what's next?
Scott Turner, a founder of a cuddling group, aims to dispel the common belief that showing emotions or vulnerability as a man is a sign of weakness.
Let's run mushrooms.
Okay, Sorry.
Through cuddling, men can be vulnerable around other men and learn to allow others into their personal space without making them any less of a man.
Scott believes that men require an emotional vocabulary to be able to emotion, to be emotionally sensitive to the needs of others.
Hello, lovers everywhere.
All right.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry, but I just.
I don't think Daddy likes it tight.
Not that tight.
I'm just saying.
Yeah, I just can't see this.
It skeeves me.
Am I wrong in saying this?
Listen, I understand the need to cuddle.
I agree with the need to cuddle.
Not with men.
If men are going to cuddle, we need to cuddle with women.
This is what I think we should do.
Oh, no, it doesn't Stop at cuddle.
Okay, if you're going to cuddle, let's just cuddle.
All right, read the next paragraph.
Let's figure out what happens at these cuddle sessions.
At the beginning of the cuddling session, members are required to agree not to engage in any sexual touch.
Members are also required to ask for consent from their cuddling partner before every action.
Members then gather in a huddle and breathe meditatively.
How do you breathe meditatively?
How does that happen?
Oh, you breathe in.
Breathe deep breath in.
I can't.
My skin's crawling at the thought of this.
And listen, cuddling.
Oh, well, look, if there's a bunch of men that want to do this, that's fine.
It's a gay act, but it's fine.
It's okay.
I don't.
I mean, if you.
If that's your gig, then do it.
Budweuger says, are you allowed to choke each other?
If you ask permission and the other guy says yes, you could choke the shit out of them.
The cuddling process starts with men pairing up for what's is referred to as the motorcycle hold.
This is a type of hold where one man sits and leans his back against the chest of a cuddling partner, which looks like taking a motorcycle ride together.
You don't want to rub another man's mushroom?
No, I do not.
I do not.
Go ahead, Bruce.
Not scissoring with you?
Yes, Bruce, I listen, I understand men.
No sexual touching, but can you spit in someone's mouth?
If you see.
Again, if you ask and they say go ahead, that's fine.
What about a donkey punch?
What's a donkey punch?
I don't know what a donkey.
Is that the punch in the back of the head?
I thought that was a punch in the back of the head.
I think that that's a rabbit punch.
A rabbit punch is in a punch in the back of the head.
Like if you wound a rabbit or if you, if you're going to eat a rabbit, you grab it and you hold it by its hind legs and you just poof behind the head and that's it.
They're done.
The description sounds like an urban.
Yeah, I don't, I don't want to bring up.
Can I bring up urban dictionary?
All right, keep reading while you look.
Let me finish this.
Let me get to the end.
It says members can massage their partner's shoulders or hands with consent and even stroke the other person's beard.
After a 15 minute session, the members are required to Switch to a new partner.
This marks the first half of the cuddling session.
For the second half of the session, the men cuddle as one large group in what is referred to as a puppy pile.
In this pile, men lay with their heads in one another's lap, chatting and joking.
Oh, my goodness.
And so this is what I'm talking about.
They're trying to take.
You're not cuddling with me, Mike.
Forget it.
That way.
Not cuddling with another man.
I mean, not even family members.
I mean, you could like a cousin or something, or, you know, listen, when you're a man, you come in for a hug, shoulder to shoulder, three pats on the back, and you're out of there.
Anything else?
Motorcycle hug is faggotry, in my humble opinion.
He's the big spoon.
He'll trouble you.
If anybody's the big spoon, I'm the big spoon.
How dare you, Mike.
You'll have to be the little spoon.
Okay, here's what a donkey punch is.
It's a sleazy sex move in which, while the guy is taking the girl anally, he punches her in the back of the head, making her ass, her vagina, contract.
So if you're.
If you're punching somebody in the fart box, if you punch them in the back of the head, their.
Their sphincter tightens up on your member.
On your male member.
Mike says he'd feel very safe in your big hair.
Of course you would.
Everybody feels safe in my big, hairy arms.
Why wouldn't you, Duchess?
Am I a good hugger?
You are a good hugger.
I'm a good hugger.
You would be.
You know something?
You would always remember a jamingo hug.
That might be the title of this Jamingo hug.
You'll always remember Jamingo.
You always remember a jamingo hug.
You better write that down, because I'm not remembering anything.
Oh, here you go.
All right.
What happens?
Rubberneckers make podcasts great again.
I heard that.
We were thinking about doing that.
I've asked.
Listen, I've asked Jody, and I've asked Edward to bring rubber knuckles back once a month.
There you go.
Mike says I would be engulfed.
Like memory folk.
I gotta get in there and give you a big old, big old bear hug.
The best.
I'm sorry.
The best way to.
Who's been drinking the.
Oh, sorry.
Hang on.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
The best way to.
Fat, lazy tongue.
Oh, my God.
What's tbi?
Damn it.
Traumatic Brain injury.
No, can't.
That's what.
That's what he means.
A traumatic brain injury.
Oh, is that what that is?
Oh, from the back of the head, I get it.
Well, I.
No, it's.
Oh, hold on.
See, Lisa is on board.
I say I give good hugs.
There you go.
Nothing wrong with that.
And Mike says he'd be engulfed like memory foam.
That's right.
And that you are just part of John now.
See, Mike took it a little weird.
You took.
So you go.
You always go too far.
I don't like it.
This is what I'm talking about.
Like, back in the day, you wouldn't even.
What I'm talking about.
Here's what I'm talking about.
The thing is, back in the day, when you had issues and you wanted to talk to your buddies about it, you went to the bar, you had a few drinks, you hugged it out.
There was no hugging.
You just went in there and you just had a few drinks and you talked it out.
You didn't.
You didn't have to.
There was no hugging and touching and motorcycle position and puppy pile.
You never went to a bar after.
You know, it's like you're not at a bar one day, sitting there, having shots of beers and about five.
Five of you, you know, your buddies are there.
The next thing you know, you end.
Up on the floor and cuddle.
Yeah, you end up on a, you know, puppy pile on top of the pool table.
That's not happening.
I don't know why I thought that should sound.
Puppy pile.
Puppy pile.
Hold on, let me write that down.
Puppy pile might be a good one.
Puppy pile.
There we go.
Okay, see, Mike says I hug my friends if I haven't seen them in a while.
Yeah, I do as well.
But I don't think I motorcycle hug them.
That's a little creepy.
Could you imagine or does someone motorcycle hug me?
Okay, so could you imagine, like, the 30th of December, you're coming here, all right?
And you come here.
Way to tell everybody.
Okay, so you're supposed to be.
So you're supposed to come here, and we're going to do the show together here, which is nice.
It's nice to do that.
So if you come down the steps and I come up behind you and give you a motorcycle position hug, you'd be like, get off me.
What the hell's wrong with you?
And that's not even a good hug.
Although it could be, I don't know, motorcycle position hugs.
It depends on.
It depends on the.
On who's hugging.
That's true.
You know how that works out.
Okay, I get that.
The Jimmy does not get to do that.
The Jimmy can't give.
All right.
No, no, no.
Hold on.
This is interesting.
Who could motorcycle hug the Duchess?
I have to ask this question.
All right.
So the Jimmy can't give you a motorcycle hug.
What about Deuce?
Would Deuce be able to give you a motorcycle hug?
Well, no.
He's married.
That could be weird.
All right.
Wouldn't that be weird?
All right.
Can I give you a motorcycle hug?
That'd be weird.
It'd still be weird.
Okay, so no one can make it sound like somebody to face.
I'm more comfortable.
I understand that, but you made it sound like there was a possibility if there was, you know, how?
Well, you knew somebody.
Bruce wants a motorcycle hug.
Duchess, of course.
I get it.
Oh, my.
You can kind of modus.
You know what?
I'm just saying this.
And this proves my point how this is a gay thing.
That a motorcycle hug is something you give somebody.
You give your girlfriend or your man a motorcycle hug.
You don't give a motorcycle hug to a stranger or some.
Just look up behind my girlfriend and motorcycle hug her.
Motorcycle hug.
That's creepy.
That's a very intimate.
That's a very intimate hug.
Don't tell everybody.
Duchess is playing now.
She'll have to wear a bulletproof vest.
It's not true, Sparky.
You know, one day I'll have to clean up this mess down here and then invite, like, Budv and Sparky.
Lisa says don't tell her secrets.
There you go.
Would you ever give Lisa a motorcycle hug?
See, I never, but no.
It's a different thing.
It's more sensual than a regular hug.
I would think so.
Bub Bugger says, are you inviting him.
Not to cuddle, just to come and.
Watch the show and have some drinks to visit.
Yeah, Visit.
I'll buy some pizza.
There's no cuddling.
Unless you want to cuddle with Kate.
I don't know.
No, that's fine.
I'm not cuddling with you.
This is what they should do.
One or two things with this cuddle thing.
You get the guys together, and then you have women there to cuddle with.
Like, in other words, if you want to have a puppy pile.
If there's four guys, there's got to be.
It can't stop at a cuddle.
You know, you can buy.
You can pay for.
You can pay for women to come to your house and cuddle you and there's no.
Yeah, what's that?
They're called hookers.
No, no, no, no.
That's different.
That's a cuddle with a happy ending.
Cuddle you too?
Well, yes.
Not really.
They're there, you know what?
Hookers and escorts and stuff.
They're in there to get in and get out.
There's no culling cuddling.
They, you know, they just.
They, you know, they just want to get done and get out of there.
Well, if you're paying them for the.
Hour, you don't pay a hooker.
You pay them to leave and be quiet.
What you pay a hooker for.
Pay them to.
So what I'm saying is that you could do that.
Or you could get one of those, like, sexual sex dolls that they have.
Oh, you're back to those.
Well, I'm just saying these things.
It would be better to cuddle a sex.
Female sex doll than it would be another man.
But they're not breathing.
They're not like living.
It's just like a cold rubber doll.
Like, how is that.
How is that?
Like, how would that make you feel?
Like I can't get a hug from a human.
So I'll just grab this doll on a hook and then just.
I'm just lay against it.
I don't know.
You know, they have these pillows now that you can get.
They're like body pillows.
And when you go to bed, you hold on to yog it.
Isn't that the same kind of thing in a way?
No, because it's not.
It's not a hug.
It's your.
Your hugging something, right?
It's not hugging you back response.
Yeah, I want a response.
I get it.
All right.
Do you want to pick up.
Do you even remember where you could pick up where we left off?
That I don't know about this.
I just finished.
I finished the article.
Oh, you didn't.
Did you say the members can massage their partner's shoulders and hands with consent and even stroke the other person's beard, literally?
You did say that.
Did say that.
Okay, I'm sorry.
I did say that.
That's right.
With the puppy pile.
You did get the puppy pile.
I did.
Thank you.
I may be drinking, but I remember.
Okay, all right, I got it.
All right.
Well, Mike from Wheelbarrow for Dicks always brings up this one guy.
His name is Will Blunderfield.
And if this guy isn't gay, I don't Know my business.
But he says he's not gay.
No, I'm sorry.
You want to see some?
Go over to Will Blunderfield's Twitter and go over there and check out his Twitter.
There's more.
I swear to God, there's more swinging cocks over there than I've ever seen in my entire life.
Every one picture worse than the other.
He's standing there with his legs all akimbo.
You're seeing his twigs and berries and shit.
Oh, ew.
Okay, let me.
You know who Will Blunderfield is?
Well, let me introduce you.
And this is called penis reflexology.
This is a diagram in terms of penis reflexology.
It's a little bit blurry.
So basically we massaged each other's heart.
Meridians to help release self hatred while cuddling and watching Obi Wan Kenobi.
And it was just so beautiful.
And this is what my Celtic ancestors did.
They would also suck each other's nipples and share.
This is gay.
What is happening?
This is gay, right?
He's a Canadian.
Oh, well that explains everything.
There's beds if you do some more digging.
Spartans were actually doing same sex erotic bonding.
No, they're not.
Hold on.
I forgot the beginning.
This is how it starts.
This is how it starts.
Lingam means I tell you.
What is it with you guys?
I mean, seriously, they'll see you guys.
We'll see.
There's no way I would go out in the woods and get naked and jump up and down and shake my twigs and berries, my beans and franks with somebody else.
Some other guy, you know, there's.
He's in his Twitter thing and the next thing you know, he's got a hold of some guy's pecker.
The other guy's got a hold of his pecker.
It's like they're.
They're in a tug of war over there.
I don't know, but I'm just saying don't sit there.
You know what?
Don't piss in my ear and tell me it's raining.
This is gayness.
It is.
All righty.
There you go.
Lisa says, well, at least we see some blurred out man parts.
It's normally big.
Big tits.
Yeah, I get it, I get it.
You've had enough of you had enough.
Nothing like docking in the woods.
Okay, I'll take your.
I'll take your word for it.
Tug of war.
It's a tug of war.
I think I need another drink.
They treat each other like pool toys.
They're just like yank, yanking each other around as soon as I saw her bring that glass off their mouth, I said, I know what I'm doing.
All right?
Speaking of disgusting, how old, like, can we have a discussion with some of these artists that were big in the 70s and 80s, maybe even the 90s?
You figure it's 20, 24 if you are hot in the 90s.
That's 30 years ago.
It's been a while.
All right.
Some folks can hang on to it now.
Folks, not so much.
I went to see iggy pop in 1984.
85 at the.
Oh, it's on South.
Years old then right now.
All right, so in 85, what was it?
The TLA.
What does that stand for?
Whatever it is, it was called the TLA.
It's on south street and it's a small theater.
And Iggy Pop was playing there, all right?
And he ran around without a shirt off and his long hair and he's spraying everything, know.
And as he does.
As he does.
Well, he's still doing it in 20, 24.
And the.
Looks like E.T.
look at this.
He's got.
He's got.
Looks like he.
Scoliosis, I was going to say.
And a giant belly.
He's got a.
For a skinny guy with a.
A weird belly.
I mean, good for him.
Like, good for himself.
What, are you kidding me?
Look at this guy.
He's a little kind of look.
Yeah, it's not.
It's not.
It's not good.
It's not.
I can't critique.
I can't take my shirt off and run around on the stage either.
It looks like he should be an actor.
I know I shouldn't do it.
And somebody should be giving him a bowl of porridge.
He's got that distended belly like the.
People that don't eat.
He looks like he has a hernia.
Like people.
Come on.
Somebody's like his tour manager, say, listen, Iggy, I get it.
Put a fucking shirt.
Put a fucking shirt on.
Wear a tank top.
If he sang like this, all skinny and then just that one chunk of his belly, like.
I'm kidding.
I'm not kidding.
It looks like a hernia.
He doesn't look.
Well, it does.
It doesn't look like we're going to have Iggy in this dimension for very much longer, to be quite honest with you.
Bud Rugger says he needs to take a shit shot.
I guess he needs to take a.
Are you saying he's bloated?
It's all distended.
I'VE seen starving kids.
African kids more nourished.
I've seen starving Africa kids look more nourished.
It's the truth.
The business on the top party on the neck down from Josh, right?
Good God.
He looks like the entity from Smile.
I haven't seen Smile, but I can only imagine.
That's not good.
All right.
Not good.
And Mike says he looks like E.T.
He does look like E.T.
i said he looks like E.T.
It'S weirdly.
It's a weird shape.
It's like a barrel chest, but with the belly.
It's a weird look.
You know what it is?
It's a very alcoholic look.
It's an alcoholic drug abuse.
It's not awesome.
He's treated his body like a dumping ground, to be quite honest with you.
I'm sure of it.
And I say that to say this.
You know who else needs a stylist, to be quite honest with you?
Cyndi Lauper.
Here's Cyndi Lauper.
It's the Goonies theme.
Is that what that is?
Sounds like the opening to Goonies, which is the best movie ever.
I've never seen the Goonies.
Oh, my God.
How could you have not seen the Goonies?
It looks like she's wearing a space diaper.
Yeah, her.
Her stage.
She's on tour now, and it's.
I noticed they got all faraway shots.
Like, they're showing.
This is the hot.
If there ever was a hot Cindy Lauper.
Like, this isn't the Cyndi Lauper.
Like, hold on, here we go.
It's not 1980s Cindy.
No, it's not.
We are the world Cyndi Lauper.
I mean, it's not.
But I'm just saying she's.
Iggy pop is 77.
He can't die young at this point.
He's made it.
Yeah, there you go.
But Cindy's got, like.
It looks like she's wearing a diaper.
I'm not lying.
The way her pants look.
It's not.
It's not her best look.
Yeah, it's.
It's a little.
They look a little weird around her butt.
Poor thing.
And I love Cyndi Lauper.
I think she's amazing.
I think she's.
Love her.
Like, her songs.
It's not her best.
Not her best look.
True colors.
That's what I'm saying.
I still have Goonies.
I'm sorry.
I love it.
She sings, like, with that Brooklyn accent.
That New York Brooklyn accent.
Yeah, totally.
All right, so now we get to go to Shania Twain.
Now listen, I'm going to be honest.
When Shania Twain came out, when she hit it big, stunning.
I was all.
I mean, she was.
I'm sure you were.
I loved her.
They had on VH1, you know, they had the behind the Music.
And she told her story how she came from nothing in Canada and she started singing and she was a smoke show, smoking.
She's beautiful.
She's stunningly beautiful.
And then she hooked up with this record producer, Mutt Lang.
Like a piece of turd.
And this.
And I mean, you want to talk about out kicking your coverage?
Mutt Lang looked like a mutt, but he was like this really good record producer and he basically made her, you know, like, she didn't have any really good singles until says I ruined many socks to Shania Twain.
Yeah, I get it.
Oh, gross.
I know way too much about you now.
So then what happens?
Like, you could.
If you had a hot wife like Shania Twain would you around with on her?
Would you like he cheated on her, on her or their best friend.
I don't know how you cheat on.
Was married.
Her best friend was married.
So Mutt starts cheating on her.
So what does Jania do?
She starts fucking the husband.
The husband of the best friend.
Flip flop partners.
It's like a.
It's like an episode of Steel Toe.
But they didn't kick out the guy.
Except nobody got arrested.
Well, they didn't kick the one guy out, you know, just kept, you know.
So anyhow, so Shania is on tour right now and this is how she looks.
All right, so she's got a white flowy thing on, but she's in like a bikini.
Well, okay, so she's got this, like, it looks like a long overcoat, like a trench coat looking thing.
Oh, let me get it back here.
I fucked and the undergarments.
You know, she's obviously, we're trying.
There she go.
That's a good shot.
With Beyonce and Nicki Minaj and.
And all of the.
All of the younger artists, which I get.
Like, you know, she's trying to stay relevant, but Shania Twain doesn't have to try that hard because she's beautiful.
She's not sure what she's done to her face.
Like, because her face is different.
It's different.
So I don't.
She's had some work done.
And she's wearing this weird, like, it's a two thing.
It's like A one, it's a two piece, but it's hooked together like with weird little straps in the middle.
And then like some kind of body.
It's like a bodysuit.
It's like a weird thing, but the front looks like a big goddamn piece of Depends or something.
It looks like it's almost.
It's very thick material isn't great.
She's beautiful.
She shouldn't have to dress like this, right?
You don't need to garner that attention because you're stunning.
And is her singing that great?
I don't know.
But it's.
It doesn't matter because it's Shania Twain.
You know, they say that she's.
Nobody's mad.
Lip sync kicking her out, right?
They say she's lip syncing kind of like Frankie Val.
You ever see Frankie Valley?
Just sits there with a microphone and the music's playing.
He's not even moving his mouth.
He's like holding it to his ear.
He's like a ventriloquist.
He just sitting there in.
The music's playing in the background.
Here you go.
Sparky says she just needs to stick to wearing leopard skin style clothing.
If she put the leopard skin on with that body and she's 60 now.
I think she's 60.
She's 59.
60 years old.
She looks fucking fabulous.
Like, I'm not dissing on her look that the clothing out, the outfit choice is not the best.
You know my opinion, I don't look like that.
I wish I did.
I wish I looked that bad on a good day, right?
But like Mike says, oh, darn, Shania Twain's in her underpants.
Nobody's mad again.
Nobody's kicking her out of bed, right?
But if I had to say, like that's not.
Out of all her looks, not her best.
Listen, she doesn't have to try that hard.
No, she's beautiful.
She is.
You know who else needs a stylist and needs to stop with this?
The skippy outfits.
Madonna has a dumpy ass and it's not good.
I don't think she's dumpy.
I mean, she's very athletic.
Still, like, she.
Still gets out and, and can put on a full show.
I mean, is she, is she moving like Beyonce?
She doesn't move like Jennifer Lopez.
No, but who, who is 55?
I think 54, 55.
Looks fantastic.
Is she talented?
Who knows?
She's crazy.
But I think Madonna's also a bit older than her.
But you know, I, I want to, I want to cheer For Madonna, I really do.
And then, like, I see some of the things my girl, why are you wearing that?
But also, like, you do you.
Like, whatever.
I can't look like that.
I don't.
I don't want to be shady on her because she looks.
She has better costume choices, I would think.
So what you're saying, Duchess, is you do.
You boo.
That what you're saying, you do.
You boo.
That's exactly it.
Just checking.
See, I think it should be more.
Like, all right, Ghetto Brittany, let's go.
Oh, dear ghetto Madonna.
Like I said, I'm not.
I've not been.
I was.
When Madonna came out, it was like her and Cyndi Lauper both kind of came out around the same time.
And I was Team Cyndi Lauper and Madonna just eclipsed her.
Like, it was a.
It was a competition.
And Madonna won.
Oh, absolutely.
I guess on the.
On the airwaves and stuff like that.
I'm not saying Madonna's not talented, but I thought Cyndi Lauper could write better songs.
She could write better songs.
If you're going to get into this, Madonna was a better singer than Sidney Lauper, but Sidney could write better performer, perhaps.
I think she could perform.
No, she's a better singer.
Get out of here.
That's ridiculous.
She sings better than Cindy Lauper.
Yeah, she did back in the day.
Sure she did.
I had a friend.
It was like a Madonna freak.
Like, everything Madonna.
He had everything Madonna.
And I mean, I was like, okay.
Her performance at Dick Tracy was underrated.
I'll take Duchess over all them.
Look at Bob over here.
You're very kind.
Bob wants to give you a motorcycle hug.
So full of shit.
You're very sweet, but hold on, I.
Gotta write that down.
Motorcycle hug.
Okay, bud?
Voger says Madonna moves around like her anus is prolapsed from too much flex.
I didn't read all that when I started reading it.
You got in the middle of that and didn't know what to do, did you?
I need to keep going.
I was like, all right, bring that.
Up and read that again, please.
Oh, Madonna moves around like her anus is prolapsed from too much black Snake analysis.
All right, Mike, 44:14.
Shut up.
I wanted to get that isolated.
Thank you, Duchess.
I appreciate that.
Well, anyhow, that's.
I just.
Like I said, I saw, like, Iggy Pop, and I was like, dude, oh, my God.
That doesn't look good.
Put a shirt on.
And Then I saw, like, Cyni Lauper in her space suit diaper.
And then, you know, Shania Twain.
And listen, Shania Twain, I think, still.
Still got it.
I mean, none of them are JLo.
She's like, 59, so she could still get away with it a bit.
And we were talking earlier, like, if you compare that to, like, Tanya Tucker, if you're gonna go country, or she's road hard, put away wet.
She's a mess.
Or Dolly Parton, who's almost 80, who from a distance looks fabulous.
But the problem is she's had so much work done.
Or choppers.
Her teeth.
She got a bad set.
Yeah, she's all like.
It's her song.
She can't sing.
She sounds like me out.
Because I love Dolly Parton.
She sounds like a Southern Nancy Pelosi with those clacking choppers of hers.
It's not.
It's not good for her.
But she's so teeny.
Like, when you see her on interviews, she's tiny.
Oh, yeah, she's tiny.
She still wears the heels.
She still wears the clothes.
She's got the boobs up.
She looks.
You know, if I look like that at 79, I don't think I'm mad.
Well, there's a lot of.
Listen, there's a lot of construction.
I mean, those boobs aren't staying up by themselves.
I'm sure that's going.
You know, those suckers are.
Yeah, there's a lot of gravity.
A lot of things holding up.
Define gravity in those.
In that bra.
And she's actually.
Bob says she's putting together a Broadway musical.
I think that's great.
Dolly is.
No, that's good.
Don't get me wrong.
She's exceptional.
I think Dolly Parton's very talented.
Probably one of the best female songwriters.
I mean, she's.
She's amazing.
And, you know, she wrote Jolene.
She wrote that hit that.
I'm trying to think.
There's a couple people.
I will always love you.
I will always love you was an.
Amazing song, and Whitney Houston destroyed her version of it, like, because Dolly Parton sang it.
Very sweet.
But Whitney sang it, like, with a different version.
But I still like Dolly Parton's version of it.
I do.
I'm not mad at it, but I love Whitney's version better.
What are we on?
Shitty song of the week.
Hold on.
Let's get out of here with this.
All right, all right.
We've messed around enough.
Got to get into it, ladies and gentlemen.
Donald Trump, of course, is out now being the President of the United States.
Nobody knows where Joe Biden is.
No one knows.
He just shows up sometimes and gives a bunch of money to somewhere else.
Oh, my God.
He's been throwing money in a fucking hole.
Stop giving our money away.
It's like he went to Africa.
Once the election's done, they should stop how much money people can give.
Listen, I took civics class, okay?
From what I remember, the House of Representatives has the purse strings.
It's not like the president can go, you get a billion dollars and you get a billion dollars, and you get a billion dollars.
It's crazy.
Yeah, so what does Biden goes over to Africa, goes over to Angola, and listen to this.
He says to the people over in Angola, give a billion dollars to the people here so they can get out of squalor.
Okay, all right, fine.
The problem is we got people where.
He fell asleep during the conference.
Yeah, they have a conference, leaned up and just.
Just fell asleep.
Zones out.
Yeah, right.
That's good.
I would have loved to see him.
His arm move and then his head hit the door and then fall out of the chair.
We've all been there, bud.
Where's Joy?
I need a diaper change.
So then.
So now we've got people in western North Carolina.
A nine month old baby yesterday died because it froze to death because it's living in a tent.
We're giving Africa a billion dollars so they can for infrastructure and all this stuff.
Meanwhile, we can't give anybody in western North Carolina any money.
No infrastructure for North Carolina, but that's cool.
Okay, I was worried about that.
Then Syria falls.
Who gives a fuck?
Just a bunch of Muslims over there killing each other.
You know what I say, they'll just get another one.
Give them a bunch of guns and just let them kill each other.
As long as they don't come across the brother.
Just let them all have it out.
Who cares?
He gives them a billion dollars to repair their.
It's like again, the moose lambs.
Yes, the moose lambs.
He gives them a million dollar or not a million.
A billion.
Just a billion.
That's a thousand millions.
That's a thousand millions is a billion.
Why are we giving away all this money?
Why is he allowed to give away all this money?
Can anyone not?
So Trump is out there now being president.
He went over to France, to the Notre Dame reopening him.
To John the court on fire.
She's over there.
And he's like he's given handshakes and he looks like a president.
And people were talking to him again like a president.
No one knows.
No one gives a shit about Joe Biden.
Did you see Jill Biden talking to him?
Yeah, she was all like, hi, Donald.
It was all very like.
And then they put that in AI and then they did two versions of it.
One is where they started fighting and the other one was where they started making out.
I was like, look at this.
She'll be happy for some action, I'm sure.
Well, I'm sure she's getting screamed to the ding dong.
Listen, I'm sure she's going to be getting some action soon.
She's probably get action already.
Nobody knows Joe runs around in a diaper.
I bet you he's not even alive.
They got a new Joe Biden.
He's taller.
Oh, that's right.
You maintain Daddy Long Legs.
Joe Biden is Adam Curry from no Agenda Show.
Likes to call him it's the actor.
But some other podcasters said they're all actors.
Yeah, I guess I was like, okay.
So then he was on ABC with Christian Welker, and she's the one that's got the big eyes and she's always trying to get, you know, the Republicans, like, she get them.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Dean Rue says we can give you a $750 loan.
Western North Carolina.
There you go.
All this money to Africa.
Not one cents for Bob to buy a house.
There you go.
That's right, Bob.
You know what you get, Bob?
Dick and bubblegum.
You get nothing.
And they're all out of bubblegum.
That's right.
That's what you get.
So Trump is on with Kristen Walker.
And I'll tell you one thing Trump is getting after all these interviews and after, you know, this campaign and how he won, and now he is getting really, really good.
Like, I think J.D.
vance has been giving him lessons.
Listen to what goes on here.
Because of course the media is like, we need you to just.
You have to.
It's 20, 24, bitches.
He just won an election where he won all the swing states.
He got 300 some.
He won the popular vote.
What the fuck do you need from this man?
Oh, I need you to do.
Can you say that you lost the 2020 election?
Listen to this.
Fuck you.
The press, I can't say treated her unfairly.
You know why?
Because she's very popular.
Okay, so he's talking about how the press was treating Kamala.
You would think if the press was Unfair.
Like, to me, the press was obviously unfair to me.
The press.
No president has ever gotten treated by the press like I was, and yet I got more votes than any Republican candidate in history.
By far.
It's not even close.
So you say.
What's that all about?
The press has to straighten itself out because honestly, it's lost all credibility when that can happen.
Based on the press, I should have gotten no votes.
And yet I got the highest number ever.
And the reason is because I'm able to go on a show even like yours.
Even though you're very hostile, I'm able to go on a show like yours.
No, you are.
Well, hopefully you thought it was a fair interview.
We covered a lot of policy grounds.
It's fair only in that you allowed me to say what I say.
But, you know, the answers.
The questions are, you know, pretty nasty.
But look, your answers are pretty nasty.
Like, in other words, you.
You didn't softball me wrong.
He's not wrong.
Like, take his.
His interviews and then what?
You know.
So she says, so he's getting to a really good point here, which I.
I played these backwards.
I wanted to play this one second.
So I apologize.
But he's going to start talking about the media and especially Kristen Welker, because, to be honest with you, she could be an amazing journalist if she just played it straight on both sides.
Because I've seen you interview other people.
Like Biden, and I've never interviewed President Biden.
When I say you, I'm talking metaphorically.
I've seen.
Okay, I've seen George.
Stefano, good save.
Donald, good save.
Because he sucked.
And he's a tough interviewer.
It's the softest interview I've seen.
CNN interview.
They give these soft.
You know, what's your favorite ice cream?
It's a whole different deal.
I don't understand why, you know, you would think the press would like to see strong borders, great education, a powerful military, so we have a country left and all these different things, and somehow they don't want to see that.
So this is where the.
This is the one that I was talking about where he's.
He is talking about.
I just lost my train of thought.
Damn it.
This is the one.
No, it's my fault.
Where she's trying to get him to answer the question about the 2020 election.
I think this is it.
Sir, I don't have to tell you this because you've talked about it.
It comes at a time when the country is deeply Divided.
And now you're going to be leading this country for the next four years.
For the sake of unifying this country, will you concede the 2020 election and turn the page on that chapter?
Why would I do that?
But let me just tell you.
When you say the country is deeply divided, I'm not the president.
Joe Biden is the president.
You're going to be the president.
No, no, I'm not the president.
So when you say it's deeply divided, I agree.
But Biden is the president.
I'm not.
And he has been a divider.
And you know where he divided it more than anything else.
And it probably backfired on him, I think definitely is weaponization.
When he weaponized the Justice Department and he went after his political opponent, me.
He went after his political opponent violently because he knew he couldn't beat him.
And I think it really was a bad thing.
And it.
It really divided our country.
Democrats have control of the White House now.
They didn't in 2020.
If they are going around stealing elections.
When you say Democrats have control now.
Of the White House.
So why didn't they steal this election since they have more power now?
Because I think it was too big to rig.
So you won't.
Too big to rig to the people.
Who say that you're now directing your justice department to investigate 2020 and they want to move precious resources.
Is that what you want them to do?
Just so you know, I have the right to do that, but I'm not interested in that.
You're not.
You're not.
I'm not interested.
The absolute right.
I'm the chief law enforcement officer.
You do know that?
I'm the president.
I'm the.
But I'm not interested in that.
You know what I'm interested in?
Drilling and getting prices down and stopping people from pouring into our border that come from prisons and mental institutions.
I mean, that's a perfect answer.
That's the sound job right there.
Like, sorry.
Whoopsie daisy.
Whoopsie daisy.
It's not wrong.
We have entire.
We have millions and millions of people in this country that should not be here.
But I.
I'll tell you what.
There's two things I noticed in this interview that I think disarmed her.
The first thing was there was not a desk between them.
And she had to sit there openly in front of him, face to face, not that far away.
And he was leaning forward.
Forward, like almost.
I'm gonna say aggressively, like meaningful, assertive.
There's A great word.
Assertive person.
That's his personality.
That's his personality, exactly.
Not a bullshitter.
He's front and center.
And you.
That's how you read him?
That's how you read.
He's straight.
Like, I don't think as much as he is.
Can be distasteful with some of his statements.
You can read him.
He's straight up.
So, like, there's no.
What he says is, I think exactly how he feels.
He doesn't.
I don't think he bullshits.
When he.
When she interviews other people, there's a desk between them.
Like, she feels like there's, you know, it's like a safe.
Like she's a safe distance away or they are coming in via, you know, Internet or something like that.
She was so turned.
Turned by Trump.
She was ready to squirt.
Jesus Christ.
Pudvager's all juiced up.
What the hell happened?
We started talking about motorcycle hugs.
Yeah, we got every.
We got the whole chat all juiced up, man.
Ready to blow.
We're very good at what we do.
Yes, we are.
But it's gonna.
I mean, listen, January 20th cannot get here fast enough, to be quite honest with you.
I know.
Like, I'm nervous.
All right, So I didn't bring this up.
I didn't have time.
I'm going to throw a curveball at you, bud.
Bugger says the cuddlebug story fired us.
I'm telling you, that's what it was.
See, it's the cuddlebug story.
All right, so our governor of the state of New Jersey was questioned today, idiot Phil Murphy, about the drones, and nobody seems to know what's going on with these drones.
It's ridiculous.
All right, so where are your.
Where's your stance now?
I'm not delighted.
Well, so the past couple days, all I can see on Facebook, in the local groups is there's drones there.
People are checking in.
Drones here, drones there, drones here, drones there.
So I'm not sure what is going on and what.
And I.
I wouldn't be surprised if people owned drones and are just sending them up just to.
With other people, because that's what we do.
You realize they're the size of an suv, right?
They're like the size of a car.
I understand that, but there are still people who put their drones up.
Not the size.
No one has a drone the size of a car.
I understand that, but I think people are still with their neighbors.
But, yes, I Don't know what is happening with the drone situation.
It's ridiculous.
All right, so I've seen the same Facebook videos that you have, and this one person had the.
His drone.
He had a drone and he says, saw the drone.
He says, you know what?
I'm going to send my drone up to video.
This drone, it started going up.
It got maybe 150ft in the air, and all of a sudden it was fully charged.
All of a sudden it died, crapped out and crashed.
And when he went and found it, because he went and found it, all the video was gone.
Like, like kind of erased it.
They fried it.
Well, so I don't know.
I'm thinking it can be one of three things, right?
Either they are aliens, you know, another life form that are kind of just buzzing around.
So we're getting used to them so they can land and get out and, you know, give us a nanu, nanu, live long and prosper phone home.
Or these are military drones that they are using to test.
But why so many and why all over New Jersey?
That doesn't make.
And not.
Not only New Jersey, they're over Arizona.
They're all over the place.
Like, they're.
They're all.
There's a ton in New Jersey, though.
There's a massive amount.
I get that over in New Jersey.
So I feel like if it's the mill, if it's the military, and I'm pretty sure it is at this point, they're like.
It just balls out.
Like, just go, like, release them all and see.
Why don't we have like, jets going out there to take a look at them and video.
Why aren't that.
Why isn't that.
So you think it's us, it's our guys doing it?
Because why would we send jets out to investigate our own drones?
Have you called Uncle Buzz to see if he knows anything?
No, I have not called.
He's not my uncle.
Although I will say it was still very cool to meet him.
Even though you don't believe him, but.
No, I don't.
Of course, we've never sent.
There's never been anything that went through the radiation belt and come back alive.
Except in 1967 when they sent somebody out there in a tin foil thing and then.
And then they came back and they were fine.
There's no way.
There's no way that we went to the moon.
I don't care what anybody says.
We might have shot up there and put it on the moon, but there's no way People went to the moon.
Look, just telling you, that's all.
So what.
What movie theater did we use their sound stage?
Well, you don't think that they can find it?
You don't think they have a movie theater sound stage that they could use to do this?
Of course they did.
Okay, you know, this is 1967 or 69.
Oh, 69 to 72, I think it was that they did this.
Sorry, I don't.
I don't get it.
Okay, all right, moving along.
Moving right along.
Changing the subject.
Here we go.
The jury has reached a unanimous verdict in the case of Daniel Penny.
He's been found not guilty on the charge of criminally negligent homicide.
Now, remember what was on at stake here.
The jury could not agree on manslaughter.
They failed to agree twice.
The judge gave them another bite at the apple.
On this lesser charge, negligent, they now say not guilty.
All right, I.
First of all, I love Harris Faulkner.
I do, too.
She's one of the good ones.
She's fun.
Just saying.
Good one what?
Black people.
Oh, my God.
She's one of the good black people.
Oh, my goodness.
Because I'll tell you what.
Because we're going to get into this, and there's a lot of them that.
I'll tell you what, I've never wanted to use the N word on some of these people as much as I've wanted to use them on the.
On these next couple slides that I'm going to show you right now.
Because I'm not going to.
Thank you.
Just saying.
I want to, because I really believe they deserve it.
Because here's the thing.
Daniel Penny was.
They were trying him because he was white.
That's all.
Because I think if it was the circumstances, if he was a black person.
That did this, there would have been nothing.
All right?
If this was a black person choking a white person, nothing.
If this was a white person choking a white person, nothing.
They wouldn't have done anything.
And there's proof is in the pudding.
Because there's been plenty of people that have had.
That killed people in New York City, and they have not been prosecuted.
There's plenty of them.
New York City has not been doing well by their citizens.
No, they have not.
Okay, so now black lives matter.
Like they haven't built the country out of enough money.
They reared their ugly head again because white man killed a black man.
Because that's all.
This is over.
And that piece of shit Alvin Bragg become a racist.
Yeah, yeah.
It's annoying, right?
So they've broken so many laws, like there is no justice in New York City.
They just do whatever the fuck they want.
And if that doesn't work out, they don't give a shit about the rules or the laws.
They just do whatever they want.
All right, first of all, even in the judges notes to the jury, they said if you don't find them guilty here, then you can't find them guilty for the second charge.
Then they threw out the first charge.
Like that's even.
Like you should even.
You shouldn't even be able to do that.
Like no one does that.
This is the first time that's been done.
It felt kind of dirty the way that they set that up.
I was like, okay.
So then they do that and then they send them back in and within an hour or two they come back and they're not guilty.
And Black Lives Matter is very upset.
Here we go.
We need some black vigilantes.
That's right.
That's right.
People want to jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud.
Well, first of all, it wasn't because he was loud.
No, because he was threatening.
He was threatening.
There were people terrified for their children, for their own lives.
That's what this was.
And nobody stepped up.
And unfortunately for, for Penny, he stood up as a military guy.
He stood up and, and, and put this gentle, this young man in a chokehold.
Now everybody can Monday morning quarterback this.
It was sad.
Nobody should die.
No, he shouldn't have died.
He was loaded full of drugs.
It was a bad situation.
There was no, there was no good result.
A result to the end of this.
And it's a shame.
It's a shame.
But he was also failed by the system for two dozen times.
I get that let out.
It was just awful.
Listen, if we choked black people because they were allowed, there'd be dead bodies all over the place.
Oh my God.
In movie theaters, at Walmart.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
It's not because they're loud.
When they attempt to oppress us.
I'm tired.
I'm tired too.
Why does she keep repeating I'm tired.
I'm tired too?
Daniel Parent.
Penny just gave him a motorcycle hug.
He's absolutely 100 right.
We got some more Black Lives Matter.
This lady.
Another one.
I'd love to call the N word.
People who keep asking, are we going to riot?
Are we going to protest?
Is that what's needed?
Do glass have to break?
Do cars have to burn for a black man to get justice in America.
He did get justice.
Yeah, well, the justice should have came when everybody realized that this man needed help because he's been arrested.
What about the 67 year old woman he punched in the face and broke her nose and broke her orbital socket?
Or the other gentleman that was in his 70s that he also punched?
This guy has been arrested.
He showed up there, it was like two dozen times and said that somebody's going to die today.
Well, he was right.
He just didn't realize it was going to be him.
The guy, Daniel Perry, all he did was give him a motorcycle hug and it lasted a little too long or whatever.
They don't even, they can't even say.
That the chokehold, an extended hug for sure.
They can't even say the restraint that, the restraint hold that he put on them was what killed him.
They don't even know if that's, they can't even prove that.
There's two.
Yeah, there was two arguments on that side.
One, of course the prosecutor said yes and the defense said no because it was this.
But he was also loaded with all these drugs in his system.
Plus he had sickle cell and other issues.
So while there was plenty of times where he was thrown in the sickle cell, but then they let him out.
Well, he should have not.
The problem is, is not addressing people who have mental health issues, not addressing people who commit crimes.
You can't just let them back out.
And this is what happens.
And here's the thing, it's.
Something else is going to happen and it's unfortunate because if you're in a subway, you're kind of trapped in the subway.
This is why I don't take the subways.
When I visit New York, I will pay, I will pay any amount of money to take a cab or an Uber.
There's no way you're getting me down in the subway, you know, because you're trapped.
You're trapped with people who are crazy.
There are some people that are just crazy.
They or guy was crazy down in the subway.
They should, they should make it.
At the edge of the dot, at the edge of the platform, a thing should come up like a shield where they can't push people onto the tracks.
Well, that's terrifying to begin with.
What does that cost?
Well, it doesn't matter because again, you don't need people pushing.
Or you know what you could do is have like a safe zone where you have it up in one area so people could sit there and wait and then they can't get Pushed on tracks.
And then they don't even have benches.
Homeless people.
So then when the.
When the.
So when the train comes in, the thing comes down and then you can go.
It's like anything else.
There's got to be some kind of railing there.
You know, there's.
It's really against any kind of OSHA building permit kind of thing, because if there's any kind of fall that's even further than four feet, there has to be protection for it.
It's not on subways.
They've never been able to do it because back in the day, motherfuckers didn't push people off the platform.
For fun.
When I went to Texas, I was in San Antonio and we did the River Walk.
And when you walked along the river and on either side were shops and this and that, and they had little.
Little boats that went through, and there was no fence or anything to stop you.
If you leaned over, you'd have tipped in.
Like, if somebody could have pushed you in very easily.
But in Texas, they might have shot you before you tried to do that to somebody.
But my point being is, you know, where's the line?
Like, do you keep just building things so somebody doesn't break the rules?
Or like, where do you address that?
The line was used to have police down there and patrolling things.
And then they would also arrest people for this bullshit.
And once they got arrested, they stayed the fucking jail.
And what that was was a deterrent so people wouldn't do this bullshit anymore.
And when people.
Again, the guy, Jordan Neely, who's the one that died, he was failed by the New York City police.
His family failed him, and then everybody failed him.
Speaking of his family.
So this piece of shit father of his left him out there homeless, out on the street, didn't give a shit about him.
Now of a sudden, he's dead and he sees a payday.
Listen to this.
This made me want to vomit.
Cashing in, it's going to sue the city.
I just want to say I miss my son.
I miss my son.
But since I'm going to get him.
I left him when he was 2.
Yeah, I've been since.
I'm going to get him a million billion Brazilian dollars.
You know, it what might help the pain that I missed my son.
My son didn't have to go through this.
I bet you this couldn't pick.
Been there and helped him.
I bet you he couldn't pick his son out in a lineup with five other.
With five white people.
He couldn't pick his son out.
I didn't have to go through this either.
It hurts.
Does it?
Really, really hurts.
What are we going to do, people?
What's going to happen to us now?
No, if you break the law, nothing even mean.
Yeah, if you don't break the law, nothing's going to happen to you.
That's the thing.
It's, it's.
Look, it's a sad situation.
Nobody should have died.
Nobody should have been put in that position.
You know, I'm pretty sure if Daniel Penny looked back and said, well, do I restrain this guy or do I just say fuck it?
You know, I'm sure looking back, he'd have said it.
I don't want to deal with it.
But the problem is like he was threatening.
Nobody helped this young man for years.
For years.
He had two.
Was it two dozen plus arrests.
They let him back out.
He was just floating around in the system because nobody wanted to deal with him.
This is what happens when you have mentally ill people on the streets because there is no place for them.
Because we have now set up society where it's you either go to jail or we just let you back out.
Well, the other thing is this is racism at its finest.
All right?
For the simple fact that if it happens, if it's a white guy, if it's a black guy that kills a black guy, no one gives a shit.
It's a white person that kills a white person, no one gives a shit.
If it's a white person that kills a black person, then all of a sudden it's systemic racism.
And you know, we have to go through all this and then.
And they're oppressed and 400 years of slavery and all this other anti racist.
Well, okay, like, like he just, like I think this, this Penny saw somebody threatening and stopped it.
I don't think he went, he's a black guy.
I can't wait to kill him.
Like, I don't think that went through his head.
Did not want to kill him.
Yeah, he did not want to kill him.
You know, and like I said before, you can Monday morning quarterback this all day forever.
I'm pretty sure that Penny would not want to have wanted this, well, that young man to die.
So, so now they're stopped him.
They're complaining about two things.
They're complaining, one is that now that this is over, now they're saying that vigilantes feel like they're emboldened to go do this again.
I would not do this again.
But the other thing is that now they're afraid that, you know, why would you do this?
Why would you do it?
Now, this is before this trial took place.
And Michael Clark Duncan, who was on msnbc, was on there.
And this is when he had a wig on.
And this is where he was talking about this case again in a very racist way.
Nevermind that Daniel Penny has not, at least as of now, volunteered to be the right's next George Zimmerman or Kyle.
Rittenhouse, two vigilante heroes of the right.
Who are beloved and famous among Republicans solely for killing people who they believe need killing.
What a piece of.
Holy shit.
That's a terrible thing to say.
No one said that.
He just went down there and said, who am I gonna kill today?
No, you know who I need to kill today?
I need to kill black people.
No one said that.
I need to find a crackhead.
Threatening people.
And getting acquitted for it at trial.
How does she get to say that?
Conservative must be heavily armed and empowered to kill at will with your handgun, your AR15, or even with your bare hands.
Anyone who makes you feel threatened or.
Uncomfortable anywhere, anytime, at your front door, in your driveway, driving by a Black.
Lives Matter rally on the.
Or on the terrifying, scary black man filled New York subway.
You know something?
I want to pray.
Wow, does she ride the fucking subway?
Hang on.
I want to pray.
I'd love to see her on the subway.
Can I pray?
Dear Lord, please, please allow Joy Reed to be where she has to go down in the subway and ride a subway train.
And at some point, please, Lord, bring one of these homeless black people that are just hungry that need a meal on her train.
Let them threaten her.
Let them terrorize her.
Let them.
I'm not going to say attack, but make her believe that she is going to be attacked.
And then as she's crying out for people to help, men, men who can actually defend a woman, men that can stand up to a threat like this.
And they all sit on their hands and do nothing.
So she can be.
And if there is a hell, and I hope there is, that's what I hope for Michael Clark Duncan, that she is.
She goes to hell and she has to ride a subway and every stop, one crazy motherfucker gets on after the other and just runs up and down and terrorizes her.
If there's a God.
All right, that was a very.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Hold on for her to.
Okay, I'm sorry, go ahead.
Peace be with you.
No, that was.
That was like a horrifying rant of what she said.
Yeah, like her, like just to, to go on and say such incorrect information like this guy went out looking to kill somebody like that.
Essentially she accused him of just being a racist man who wants to kill black people.
Yeah, that's what she said.
That's all.
I mean, that's.
How do you, how could you say that?
How can she say that with no repercussions?
Because she's a race baiting piece of human garbage.
That's why.
Why would you say that?
But this guy doesn't want to go down to history like that.
I'm pretty sure if he looked back and said, I don't want to do that, you know.
No, he thought he was doing the right thing.
He's protecting people because people were terrified.
People testified they were terrified of him.
Well, and he helped.
He stopped him from going after people.
Unfortunately, the whole.
Didn't you know he died.
Yep, that's what happened.
Now, listen, I don't normally say this.
Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever said it.
Let me think.
Nope, Never said this.
There was a kerfuffle on the View today and I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I believe Whoopi was right.
He does this to keep you all in a panic.
He does it to make you all do this and talk about him.
And it's so terrible.
But all we have to do from now until January 21st is be with our families, be with our kids, do our jobs, make sure our checks don't bounce, make sure that we are taking care of ourselves and our families.
Whatever he's going to do, he's going to do.
But do take our word for it.
Things seem to move slowly because, yeah, they didn't come get Hillary, but he has other people who are ready to go.
But I don't think that they can just go out and do what they wanted.
Okay, so here they go.
They all start talking over each other.
Yeah, all the chickens.
And so Whoopi and Anna Navarro get into it.
I told you last week, I disagree with you when you say that because.
No, because we have the luxury of saying that because we're legal.
We are successful.
We are.
They're playing the music out now because they know they don't want this fight.
They don't listen play over this.
Legal immigrant in this country.
You're not going to be.
Not in a panic.
If you are a woman working for the Department of Defense, you have a right to be in a panic.
You tell people to stay fraught and like this, that is.
I'm telling people to prepare Whoopi.
I'm telling people, you know what she should do?
Prepare me a sandwich.
Are prepared.
So that means.
I'm saying that means that they can be relaxing and enjoying Christmas.
No, it doesn't mean that when winter is coming.
No, it does.
You know what?
I'm sorry.
I mean, I.
Winter is here, right?
Winter's been with us.
And my point is we can lay down and do nothing for the next 15 days and then be freaking out for the next four.
Or we have a privileged position that a lot of we have affected.
You know what's wrong with that?
I know what she's yelling about.
What is she fussing about?
The problem is that we are from a privileged position.
I think we are from a privileged position.
And they're going to come and get me because I speak with an accent.
She's Hispanic, not Indian, but it doesn't matter.
What is she yelling?
What is she yelling at?
I don't understand what her point is.
No, it does.
About illegal immigrants.
No one understands what goes on there.
Is she illegal?
No, but it doesn't matter.
Shut the up.
I wish I didn't talk over that.
That would have been a great drop to shut the fuck up.
Oh, you know what?
I have it.
I have it isolated.
Okay, I'll have that on the board.
Oh, no.
Listen, I can't wait for you to go back and watch this because you are definitely noticeably inebriated.
All right.
I thought.
I thought I was holding that really well.
No, not at all.
Not at all.
All right.
You want to bring up the podcast shout outs?
Oh, my God.
Yes, I will absolutely do so.
I would be.
Del, I have conversation.
Be quiet.
I'm sorry.
La la la la.
Hey, listen, Chat.
Thank you so much.
Before we get into the podcast shout outs, the people that show up for the show.
I love the people that show up for the show.
And they're in our discord and they're a lot of fun and.
God damn you, Bob.
This segment is sponsored by boxed wine.
Is it boxed wine?
It's not.
It's not.
How dare you, Bob?
Thinking that the Duchess would drink Class.
Mine comes out of a bottle.
That's right.
With a cork, not a screw cap.
What do you think this is?
Boone's Farm strawberry?
How dare you.
It's the finest Pinot Grigio around the.
Screw top penis What?
Anyhow, I know I do.
It's been a blast this year being part of the, you know, having you guys come in here.
I love doing the live streaming.
I think, you know, I've.
With all the playing around that I do, I think we finally got a good system here.
And you know what?
I'm loving the stream yard.
I'm loving the stream yard.
I think it's worth.
It's much easier.
It seems to be working.
It cost me 800 and almost 900 fucking dollars for a year.
But besides that, you're insane.
You know something?
We talked about this Saturday night, I did an impromptu thing because I set up a podcasting workstation where I can move things in and out.
You did?
It was fun, right?
And we talked about this.
And I might throw something up where there's.
You can go and there's a Venmo link or something.
If you want to throw us.
If you feel like this gives you value, you want to throw us five, ten dollars or something, that's fine.
I'm not asking for it, but if you feel like that would help, that would be great.
Oh, Ken says he's got moonshine in a box.
Oh, you know, I tried moonshine when we went to Tennessee last year.
It was awful.
Well, see, I took it.
I got ordered it at the restaurant, and it was whatever it was mixed in a drink, and I took a sip and I was literally like.
I took a swig and I was like, back in the cup.
I was like, oh, no, it was so bad.
I tried it a couple of times, but I couldn't.
You get really good moonshine.
It's not bad.
But the other thing, what they do is they make this.
It's called apple pie, where they take a cinnamon stick and then they cut it with apple cider.
God damn, is that good?
Because I have a friend.
Oh, I might have to try that.
I have a friend that used to make shine.
And then he would send a couple jars my way.
A couple Mason jars my way.
And they didn't last long.
You just.
You put that over an ice cube and just a little sipping on that.
I'm telling you, I tried.
I tried.
I can't.
I can't seem to handle, like, really strong.
I couldn't drink the freaking old fashioned deuce made.
Oh, my God, they were so strong.
It was like, even with the ice and water, I couldn't.
I couldn't do it.
So that's why you ended up drinking yours plus mine.
And then I look like you right now inebriated.
All right, let's get into some.
Look inebriated.
Yes, you do.
I can't wait to you.
I can't wait for you to watch this.
I'm not watching this.
Watch it.
I'm sorry, Chad.
Here we go.
All right.
So Brand X Podcast, who are those guys with Deuce and John Jamingo.
That's right.
And the TNA podcast with Jason Roach and Sam Hall.
I listened to their show the other day.
Those guys.
I'm sorry, they do crack me up.
They are so funny.
They have one that we dropping I think in the next day or two.
It's filthy.
Guys, Bob would be great on that show.
Bob would be great on that show.
Yeah, absolutely.
Shitty song of the week with Red and Teresa.
I hear we are going on there.
I hear sometime in January, we are supposed to be going on there.
That should be a hoot.
I can't wait.
I shake my head with Lisa and Sam.
They are in the Boomer Bunker fantasy football playoffs.
Lisa, this is the last week for it.
Now you're in the playoffs.
I'm out.
I got.
My team sucked.
I think I'm in the playoffs.
I've lost, like four in a row.
Oh, you might not be.
Oh, my God.
Imagine that.
But I'm, like, tied for second with, like, three people.
So, like.
I don't know.
I don't know.
Next year, eight teams.
That's it.
So we can get more.
We need too many teams.
It was my mistake.
I put too many teams in there.
It's fun, though.
I enjoy.
I enjoy all the teams.
I do.
But no, we need.
We need to be able to get players.
I didn't have a tight end this.
I had no tight end this week because all my.
They were on buys and hurt and shit, and there's no players.
Can't do it when my tight end is problematic.
Yeah, you hate it when your tight end is.
When your tight end is on the IR list now for four weeks.
I love my tight end.
I mean, who doesn't?
George Kittle when he's.
Oh, that tight end.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, what you were talking about when you get a motorcycle hung or a donkey punch, whatever.
All right, what's next?
The Weathered Report with Bruce, Jason and Ken and Duchess.
She's on every morning.
That's her second show.
That's their morning.
Well, that's the morning one, right?
Oh, that's the Weathered View.
We have one weekly that we do every Sunday.
So if you go On Twitter.
On X Bases.
X Spaces.
Bruce does the Weathered view every morning, 9am Eastern, 6am Pacific, and do your calculations wherever you live.
And the Duchess is on there every.
Every day, usually.
I try.
It's fun.
Do a great job.
But that's your second.
That's your second podcast.
They allow me to come on and yip yap.
It's fun.
The Po Boys podcast with that motherfucker Jody B.
Now, here's the thing.
Jody couldn't believe it.
An episode came out and he interviews Eric Zane's co host on who are these broadcasts.
I could see his face and now I can't think of his name.
Christian Black.
Christian Blatt.
Thank you.
God damn it.
I hate that.
I listened.
I have not listened yet because they.
Kept bringing up Eric and it's like, oh, really?
Did my name.
Did my name ever pop up in that whole thing?
I think you may have.
They hinted at you hinted?
You mean they talk about Eric and I get a hint like they.
I may have fallen asleep through it because it's.
It was long.
And they.
I have to listen again.
Come on.
Because I don't.
I don't know when this was recorded, because sometimes Jody record something a while ago.
So it might not have been when we had the dust up.
When I was doing who are these Nitwits?
And I was supposed to go on who are these Pod?
And then Eric probably put the kibosh on all that.
Well, because he can't stand competitions.
Well, he just can't stand people making fun of him.
He can make fun of whoever he wants to, but nobody can make fun of him.
Well, that's different.
That is different.
All right.
The Fine Whining podcast with Mike, Jerry and Cheese.
So I have been chatting, I chatted with Jerry.
They have not dropped an episode lately.
Apparently there are some in the tank, but they are not released yet.
All right.
So I don't know.
Shooting the Shiznit with Brian Trammel.
I got it under the wire.
Brian Trammel.
Good job.
They did the five minute.
Five minute segment, and Brian invited me on that last week, so it was fun.
Let me check my email.
Do it.
He sends me.
He sends me a match to look at and then we talk about it.
Because I don't watch wrestling much, so I was like, we can watch older episodes.
Like, I'm more of an 80s wrestling fan.
So, yeah.
Brian's all over Tick Tock.
I see his Tick Tocks all the time.
He's he's on.
He's on Tick Tock.
He's on Twitter.
He's YouTube.
He's constantly doing.
If you're into wrestling.
Definitely check him out for sure.
The Bromigos podcast.
They always got something to say, those Bromigos.
They do.
They always got something to say.
Guess who I might be meeting up with on Friday.
I don't know who we might be meeting.
Oh, you might be Matt Mish, the Undercover Brother.
The Undercover Brother.
Matt Mish.
Where the hell has this happened than that he's in.
Well, he's.
He lives in South Carolina now.
He's coming up to Jersey for some things.
And, and I always had said to him, I was like, well, if you ever come back up, let me know.
Maybe we'll meet up.
So we're going to meet up for dinner.
Oh, look at this.
Very nice.
It'll be fun to chat with him.
He's young and so I'll buy him dinner.
How about that?
He's kind of young.
It'll look like.
It'll be.
Look like mom and son having dinner together, so.
Or Cougar and Victim.
No, he's one or the other.
Oh, that could be Cougar and Victim.
He's too young.
Cougar and Victim.
No, just checking titles.
Titles for the show.
The Am I canceled podcast with Edward.
He's got a new place.
He's got good Internet now.
He's doing shows, he's doing guest spots.
He's got a new co host, Raven.
I don't know if she's going to be a new co host.
A lot of giggling.
I thought she was fun.
She made me laugh.
She did a lot of giggling.
I think they were both stoned when they did that last one.
A lot of giggling.
Not 100, sure.
But I enjoyed the episode.
She made me laugh.
I was food shopping.
While I was listening, I kept giggling out loud.
So got some strange looks.
Wheelbarrow full of dick with Mike Travis and drunk.
Always good.
He was in here tonight earlier.
Mike is very talented.
Like, he has some.
He has some great interviews.
He reaches out to a lot of different people for a lot of different subjects.
So it's always interesting.
And his podcast is very, very well produced.
One of the.
Yes, one of the best well produced podcasts, independent podcasts that I've.
That I've ever heard, to be honest with you.
He does a great job with it and he's doing it for over 700 episodes.
So he's.
He's the man knows what he's doing.
Yes, he does.
All right.
I had to say it with Aaron.
He's back.
He is definitely, definitely back.
It's fun to listen to.
You know, it's funny.
I listened to a show the other day.
Damn it.
Hang on one second.
Let me find this.
Because it's.
It's like this show.
All right, give me one second.
This show, it would be Aaron if Aaron did lewds.
It's really weird.
It's kind of the same genre.
It's exactly who I thought it would be.
It's called the Larry show.
If you want to check out his show, the Larry Show.
But he's, like, really calm and cool and collected and does this podcast.
And he would be Aaron if Aaron was, like, stoned.
I think Aaron was on the Weathered Report last night for Sunday night broadcast.
And he's just interesting.
So they.
They had a good show last night.
So it wasn't.
It was fun to listen to.
So I'm glad they had Aaron on.
So our last show would be the Moriety show, which is currently, I believe, is going on hiatus for a little bit because she got caught up with a lot of family and work issues.
I did an interview with her.
I'm not sure when that's dropping.
At least she said she's got things going on.
She didn't just ghost people like, you know, Cheese and Mike and Jerry that.
So I would rather at least know they're going on hiatus.
Just hope somebody's going to drop something.
All right, I get it.
So I understand.
She just said this is what it is, and I'm okay with that.
That's the way it is.
It's what it is.
Okay, wait a minute.
I'm trying to find my outro music, if I can even find it.
Who's playing tonight in football?
Who cares?
I think it's Joe Burrow.
Isn't it the Bengals.
Ugh, Bengals.
Who fucking care?
That's what I'm saying.
Fucking suck.
Now I gotta look.
Oh, it's.
Oh, it's the Bengals and the Cowboys.
My rides.
My rides here.
All right, we gotta get out of here.
John Jamingo dead.
Let's knock on the door.
What happened?
Where's my music?
It happens when your daughters don't get in touch with you.
There we go.
All right, everybody.
So much fun tonight.
You should get drunk every night for the show.
I can't wait for you to watch this back.
I don't want to watch it back.
You'll be like, oh, no.
Why did you let me podcast like that?
Let you?
I couldn't wait.
It's like, don't say anything.
Keep drinking.
I know.
That's my third class.
I'm like, oh, my God.
All right, well, let's see if Thursday night, a sober duchess shows up.
I say, I like drunk duchess.
I think it'll be sober.
All our socials and how you can get in touch with us, they are all in the show notes of this podcast.
And if you can't figure that out, boomerbunker.com thank you.
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You know what?
I gotta say something.
For being inebriated, you did a really, really good job tonight.
Thank you.
All right, everybody, I'm going to Discord.
This is gonna be great.
All right, everybody, we'll talk to you later.
Have a good night.