Welcome to the Boomer Bunker with John Jamingo and the Duchess!
Sept. 12, 2023

Twitch Nip Slip | Episode 178

Twitch Nip Slip | Episode 178

In this episode of "Boomer Bunker," host Bob, Jamingo, and the Duchess delve into James Wood’s experience with the FBI regarding a flight they took in August. Woods reveals that they received a phone call from the FBI, who claimed to know their current whereabouts and were waiting outside their house. Seeking answers, the caller asks about the identities of the individuals involved in their flight.

Then Donald Trump raises intriguing questions about the structural implications of the 9/11 attacks. They ponder how planes, particularly 767 or 747 aircraft, could penetrate the steel structures of buildings. They speculate that bombs may have been detonated along with the planes, as it's hard to comprehend how anything could breach the buildings' robust steel frameworks.

As the conversation unfolds, Trump ponders the possibility that the planes used in the attacks carried more than just fuel. They draw attention to the large size and high speeds of the planes, noticing that they appeared to descend into the buildings and gain speed from the downward trajectory. The extent of the destruction caused exceeds what a mere plane crash could achieve, especially considering the significant steel structures of the targeted buildings.

Trump firmly believes that the events of 9/11 have forever changed the country, prompting a memorable discussion about their whereabouts on that fateful day. Jamingo divulges that he was attending a scaffolding webinar at work, whereas Duchess was at home with her youngest daughter and received a call to watch the second attack unfold on TV.

The episode also touches on other controversial topics, including the collapse of Building 7, and Larry Silverstein's acquisition of the Twin Towers lease prior to 9/11.

Amidst all the thought-provoking content, the episode takes a brief detour to mention a fashion show featuring women who wore black electrical tape, prompting some commentary on their appearance.

During this segment, Twitch permanently suspended the Boomer Bunker account. Apparently, Twitch isn’t into high fashion.

Overall, "Twitch Nip Slip | Episode 178" of "Boomer Bunker" invites listeners to consider alternative perspectives and explore the complexities surrounding the events of 9/11.

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